Friday, September 30, 2016

Fun dog facts for kids

Let's check out our wide range of dog facts with funny pictures with captions

Image result for pet facts
  1. A dog’s nose has about 4 times as many scent cells as a cat’s and 14 times more than a human’s. That’s why dogs are often used to track down illegal drugs and missing persons. They can sniff out their dinner from any room in the house!
  2. With patience and understanding you can teach any old dog new tricks, depending on what you are trying to teach, or un-teach the dog, which is usually more difficult. Dogs can learn at any age, and like humans, it’s just old habits that are hard to break!
  3. Dogs see in color, but not the same way that we do. Veterinary ophthalmologists have found that dogs are similar to people with red/green color blindness, meaning they can see bluish and greenish shades but not reddish ones. To a dog, a bright orange ball on a grassy lawn appears as a light greenish ball in greenish grass. Go fetch!
  4. According to a recent survey, the most popular name for a dog is Max. Other popular names include Molly, Sam, Zach, and Maggie.
  5. An estimated 1 million dogs in the United States have been named the primary beneficiary in their owner's will.
  6. Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not sweat by salivating. They sweat through the pads of their feet.
  7. Every known dog, except the chow, has a pink tongue - a chow's tongue is black.
  8. Dogs can alert their owners of an epileptic seizure up to an hour before it occurs.
  9. Walt Disney's family dog was named Lady. She was a poodle.
  10. The dog was one of the first animals domesticated by humans.
  11. The heaviest dog ever weighed 319 pounds.
  12. The oldest dog ever died at age 29.
If you are animal lover, why don't you have a look at factoflife to discover more facts as cat facts, vitamin c food facts, healthy drink facts

Friday, September 9, 2016

Terrifying Animals From Around The World

Mother Nature has some amazing creatures in her repertoire. There are also some animals out there that need to stay out there, and far from us. Like... really far.

Here is an entire bag of nopes with your name on it, Mister Japanese Giant Hornet. We have more nopes if you'd like.

These things kill 30 to 40 people in Japan every year! The only thing in Japan more deadly than these things are humans. They've literally killed more people than Godzilla and Mothra combined. However, Japan still being Japan -- they are sometimes fried and served as a delicacy. Because Japan.

That's not an abnormal specimen, that's an average sized coconut crab. They get their name because of their habit of climbing up palm trees and grabbing coconuts. Why coconuts? Oh, just because they can crack them open with their pincers! No biggie, right?

They usually tend to leave people alone, but have been known to attack if messed with.

Why does it look like that and why does it keep looking right at us?

Scientists aren't 100% positive why their ugly faces look like that, but they think it may have something to do with finding fruit. It sure isn't to get dates.

It gets the name on account of having the most painful sting of any other insect of its kind. People who have been bitten by this ant and also shot, other than being very unlucky in life, report they are one and the same. It's also called a '24 Hour Ant' because that's how long it takes to recover from the sting.

Some Amazon tribes force you to spend five minutes wearing gloves filled with these in order to be a man. True story.

Wolverines don't freakin care. At all.

Wolverines will not only take on a bear ten times their size -- these suckers will usually win. In fact, there's very few records of a wolverine losing a fight to anything less than a .338 Winchester. Their sheer inability to give a flip is what makes them the Sayeret Matkal of the animal kingdom.

Yes. They've killed humans.

Say hello to the 2010 Guinness Book Of World Records winner for "Most Venomous Spider In The World."

Up to two inches wide, highly potent venom, a habit of biting people for sport, and the fact that they don't like to stay where they belong. If that's not a horror movie resume, we don't know what is. The "Wandering" part comes from its habit of just showing up in populated areas without any known reason.

The boomslang doesn't just want to kill you, it wants you to suffer -- greatly.

It's slow-release venom makes you think the bite was no big deal. Once you're questioning whether it was an actual poisonous snake, that's when the anticlotting part kicks in, along with the hemorrhaging. You bleed out from literally everywhere. The toxin also contains an ingredient with a listed side effect of "Mental Illness" -- however that works.

Think on this for a second. A lion is running away from it!

Some people will say something "hits like a mack truck"? A Cape Buffalo actually does. Weighing 2,000lbs and able to charge at 40 mph, they will destroy whatever is in front of them. 200 people a year die in Africa from Cape Buffalo attacks, since they will charge humans and vehicles for literally no reason whatsoever.

Ndamukong Suh -- your move, bro.

When an animal seems like it's named after a Slayer song -- be afraid.

The most dangerous scorpion on the planet, its venom is actually a cocktail of neurotoxin all-stars from around the league. Its sting is fatal to children and the elderly, however adults who are stung will gladly trade places. While antivenom is available, the dosage required is enormous and epicly slow to take effect.

A completely harmless animal that just hangs out in the deserts of Texas, likely cranking a little ZZ Top and watching the Cowboys.

It just has this... thing. When it's freaked out, it literally squirts blood out of its eyeball. At whatever. Coyote, bigger coyote, person -- name it. They're a pretty chill little critter, with this nasty habit of shooting blood out of its eye.

Welcome to our nightmares.

If you're going to be afraid of just one shark this year, this is your shark.

Most sharks have no particular quarrel with humans, so long as we stay in our area -- Bull Sharks ain't havin that. They will swim right up into the shallow water where humans are partying, just to attack. Because whatever, you were there.

So imagine if you could take the hunting and stalking skills of a Polar Bear, mix in the brute force and aggression of a Grizzly Bear, then remove all sense of mercy and compassion.

Polar and Grizzly bears have been interbreeding for some time now, and this terrifying hybrid is the result. They are insanely aggressive and absolutely hate humans. Like... a lot.

It lives in the deepest part of the ocean, and needs to stay there.

It's not particularly aggressive, but... look at it! Why does it need to look like that? For real... that thing is creepy. Get rid of it, we can't handle that thing.

Why do you cook pork all the way? Because of these bastards.

You will literally never know you've been invaded by one of these things, until you a) notice bumps on your head and b) are having seizures for no reason. This is because the pork tapeworm works its way into your brain, finds somewhere it likes, lays eggs, and lets the party begin. The young worms then spend all of their time burrowing in your brain.

Why, bacon? WHY?

How about not?

They live in the Congo Basin and it seriously doesn't matter if they're dangerous or if they aren't. They can have whatever it is they're after and that's just fine with us. Thank all that's good and holy the water there is muddy and we can't see them in there. 

All the nopes go to this guy.

They live in the rainforest, on t shirts, and in tattoos of insufferable women with daddy issues. Why not? They're colorful, tiny, cute...

...and sweat deadly poison.

Their venom is potent enough that one frog can kill 20,000 mice. Yes, they'll kill you too. This is proven by the local tribes that tip their hunting arrows with the frog's poison -- simply by rubbing it on them.

The villains from The Lion King are actually man-eating hunting machines that spread disease as a hobby.

Hyenas are one of very few animals that could be counted as a predator towards man. They attack in the nighttime, and with unmatched ferocity. Since they're scavengers, they're not above eating corpses. This is lovely when you think about what must be living in their mouth. Survive a hyena attack, the disease may get you in the end.


Thank heavens there has only been the one specimen ever recovered, but for some reason -- this squid exists. Nobody knows how a squid got a hold of people teeth, or what they're used for; but they've got it. And so do your nightmares.

It doesn't matter where you're swimming or how clear the water is there. This thing pops up at you looking like that...

The water is gonna be brown.

If mosquitoes don't terrify you, they should. All things considered, they're the deadliest animal on Earth.

Not only do they carry a scary amount of blood borne diseases, but they happily spread them from person to person. If you have three mosquito bites, think about this -- that's like being stuck with three dirty syringes used by three strangers.

Roll that around for a moment.

It's an "apex predator" which is science talk for "doesn't give a crap about you." Nothing hunts it because look at that sucker. It's one of the deadliest animals in the region and the only reptile larger than it -- its cousin the saltwater crocodile.

Say hello to the most dangerous snake in the world. Not only does it inject in one bite enough venom to kill 10 men, but it comes after you at a speed of 12mph. 

How about no thank you?

What's on the menu for this predatory bird? Antelope, monkeys, human children... you know, the usual.

It's the only predatory bird that has ever been recorded to have actively hunted humans. While it's super-rare, are you going to really let them off the hook for that?

Deadliest animal in Africa? This guy.

You think they're adorable but it's because you've never seen one try to eat your family -- which has happened. Often. Hippos may look tubby, but a charging female has been clocked at over 20 mph.

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