Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Awesome Facts About Roses That You Never Knew About

Let's Have A Closer Look At Our Awesome Facts About Roses That You Never Knew About

Roses have always been everyone’s favorite flower. These fun facts about roses would add up a lot to your knowledge about roses and somehow entertain and educate at the same time! Better to blurt out as a topic for any conversation and strike up an interesting talk. Learn more about science facts via our articles.
  • Most species of roses are deciduous, with few species that belong to the group of evergreen plants. Majority of roses form bushes or grow by climbing over other vegetation.
  • Color of the rose depends on the species. Roses can be found in different shades of white, yellow, pink, orange and red colors. Blue and black roses do not exist.
  • Each color of the rose symbolizes certain value. Red rose is a symbol of love, yellow of friendship, orange of enthusiasm, white of purity and pink of joy.
  • Wild roses have 5 petals and 5 sepals. Large number of petals is a result of mutation and it can be seen in cultivated roses.
  • Roses are well known by their prickles. They look like hooks which facilitate bonding to the other plants (in the climber types of roses) and protects stem from herbivores.
  • Even though prickles are strong and sharp, certain species of deer are able to eat roses.
  • Besides large herbivores, insects and spiders often attack roses. Fungal diseases can induce significant damage to the cultivated roses. Take a quick look at funny pics that can help you reduce stress quickly.
Image result for rose facts
  • Wild roses bloom once per year. They are pollinated by insects.
  • Rose hip is a fruit of rose. It is rich source of vitamin C. Rose is sometimes used in folk medicine to relieve stomach pain and to treat cancer.
  • Rose water and rose syrup are used in cooking. Rose hip can be turned into jams, marmalades or it can be dried and used in the preparation of tea.
  • Rose oil is important ingredient in the perfume industry. Extraction of minimal amount of this oil requires huge amount of roses (one gram of oil is produced from two thousand roses).
  • Roses are old plants. One of the oldest fossils of roses discovered in Colorado dates back from 35 million years ago. That might be one of the most awesome random facts ever.
  • Roses are often used in literature and songs. There are over 4000 songs dedicated to roses.
  • Roses can survive long period of time. Rose that covers the wall of the Cathedral of Hildesheim in Germany has over 1000 years.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Stop hunting elephants and make them rise again

Elephant is a biggest animal in the wild, and a lot of people want to hunt them for ivory so they will be extinction if we keep hunt them down. They can do many thing than their ivory can do but some people can't understand this thing. So,let get more fact from them for understand good thing. Come on,get more elephant facts.
African elephant facts and Asian elephants.

Elephant facts for kids

It is interesting that elephants are the only mammal on Earth that cannot jump. This is an interesting information about elephants for kids.
Each elephant has completely unique ears. African elephant’s ears are about three times biggestr than those of Asian elephants.
African and Asian elephants use their ears as an air conditioner. It’s interesting that African elephants tend lớn use their long ears for signaling others or protection.
In spite of their biggest ears, elephants have a poor hearing.
Another elephant fun facts to know: The average adult elephants may poop 80 pounds per day. This mammal can drink up to 80 gallons of water in just a single day.

Elephants drink an enormous amount of water - Elephant facts for kids
The very first bomb dropped on Berlin by the Allies, killed the only elephant in Berlin Zoo during the World War II.
The smell of water is so familiar lớn elephants that they can recognize it from three miles away.
Elephants have a pulse rate of 27. That is one of elephant fun facts for kids.
If an elephant dies, its family members will take a very good care of the bones. This shows that elephants also have emotion like humans. That is one of interesting information about elephants for kids.
Elephants can live for as long as 70 years.
Elephants spend about 16 hours eating in a single day.
Elephants just sleep about 5 hours a night. They sleep while standing. Another elephant factsthat you should know!
Elephant’s long trunk has no bones. Over 150,000 muscles and nerves provide the trunk’s flexibility.
Elephants have a really tough skin, it’s about một inch thick. This is unbelievable!
An elephant has enough control over their power lớn grasp and lift a raw egg with the trunk without breaking the shell.
Elephants listen with their feet and their ears. When an elephant speaks, it creates a low-pitched rumbling sound that is almost inaudible but sends vibrations through the earth.
Elephants will fill their trunk with up to about 5 quarts of water then empty it into their mouth to drink.
An elephant’s trunk also serves as a straw or a hose.
You can find some thing cool in my blog animal,coral

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Most Terrifying Animals In The World

Reading on the below article to know about most terrifying animals in the world with some ò their funny pics


Notorious for their sharp teeth and voracious appetites, piranhas inhabit several of the major river basins in South America. These omnivorous fish are known for their taste for meat, although attacks on human beings are quite rare, despite breathless accounts from early explorers.

In a historic visit to Brazil, Theodore Roosevelt famously saw a group of piranhas shredding pieces of a cow carcass in seconds. His dramatic account would color popular imagination for years, even though it was based on a manipulated spectacle in which fishermen blocked off a group of the fish and starved them beforehand.

Still, piranhas are important scavengers and predators in their native rivers, and they often resort to cannibalism if food gets scarce. It's true that local fishermen occasionally have scars from close encounters with them.

It's unknown how many species of piranhas exist, with estimates ranging from 30 to 60. 

Electric Eel

Electra the electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) demonstrates her shocking power at Ford Motor Company's "Cycle of Production" exhibit at the 1939 New York World's Fair. Despite their name, electric eels are actually a type of knifefish and are more closely related to catfish than they are to true eels. These unusual fish inhabit waterways in the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America, where they hunt prey and defend themselves by producing powerful bursts of electricity.

Electric eels gulp air from the surface in order to breathe. Thanks to specialized internal organs, they can produce pulses of electricity greater than 500 volts, with a current greater than one amp. That's enough to kill an adult human being. Learn all interesting facts you wanted right here.

Electric eels mostly hunt invertebrates, though adults also consume fish and small mammals. They only attack human beings if they are disturbed. They tend to live in murky, stagnate waters. Scientists have long been fascinated by the species and have probed its impressive electrical abilities.
Goliath Bird-Eater Spider

The second largest spider in the world, the goliath bird-eater (Theraphosa blondi), is related to the tarantula. It received its fearsome name after Victorian explorers witnessed one feasting on a hummingbird.

The big spiders inhabit marshy land in the rain forests of nothern South America, where they can grow to a leg span of up to 12 inches (30 cm) and can weigh more than 6 ounces (170 grams). As with many other spiders, females may eat the males after mating. Partially as a result, males have a lifespan of 3 to 6 years, while females have a lifespan of 15 to 25 years.

Despite the spider's name, birds are not the main prey of the goliath bird-eater. They prefer to eat insects and other invertebrates, although they will occasionally eat small vertebrates. The big spiders are not generally considered dangerous to human beings, although they can bite if disturbed, leaving a wound about as painful as a wasp sting. They can also release hairs that irritate the skin.

Tiger Fish

Widely distributed across much of Africa, tiger fish are fierce predators with large, razor-sharp teeth. They often hunt in packs and occasionally eat large animals. Attacks on human beings are rare but not unheard of.

The two largest species are the goliath tiger fish (Hydrocynus goliath) and the Hydrocynus vittatus, which is commonly called the tiger fish. Both are prized as game fish. The goliath tiger fish, which can reach sizes up to 110 pounds (50 kg), is found in the Congo River and Lake Tanganyika. The tiger fish can weigh up to 33 pounds (15 kg) and is found in the Zambezi River system.

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