Saturday, November 12, 2016

Stop hunting elephants and make them rise again

Elephant is a biggest animal in the wild, and a lot of people want to hunt them for ivory so they will be extinction if we keep hunt them down. They can do many thing than their ivory can do but some people can't understand this thing. So,let get more fact from them for understand good thing. Come on,get more elephant facts.
African elephant facts and Asian elephants.

Elephant facts for kids

It is interesting that elephants are the only mammal on Earth that cannot jump. This is an interesting information about elephants for kids.
Each elephant has completely unique ears. African elephant’s ears are about three times biggestr than those of Asian elephants.
African and Asian elephants use their ears as an air conditioner. It’s interesting that African elephants tend lớn use their long ears for signaling others or protection.
In spite of their biggest ears, elephants have a poor hearing.
Another elephant fun facts to know: The average adult elephants may poop 80 pounds per day. This mammal can drink up to 80 gallons of water in just a single day.

Elephants drink an enormous amount of water - Elephant facts for kids
The very first bomb dropped on Berlin by the Allies, killed the only elephant in Berlin Zoo during the World War II.
The smell of water is so familiar lớn elephants that they can recognize it from three miles away.
Elephants have a pulse rate of 27. That is one of elephant fun facts for kids.
If an elephant dies, its family members will take a very good care of the bones. This shows that elephants also have emotion like humans. That is one of interesting information about elephants for kids.
Elephants can live for as long as 70 years.
Elephants spend about 16 hours eating in a single day.
Elephants just sleep about 5 hours a night. They sleep while standing. Another elephant factsthat you should know!
Elephant’s long trunk has no bones. Over 150,000 muscles and nerves provide the trunk’s flexibility.
Elephants have a really tough skin, it’s about một inch thick. This is unbelievable!
An elephant has enough control over their power lớn grasp and lift a raw egg with the trunk without breaking the shell.
Elephants listen with their feet and their ears. When an elephant speaks, it creates a low-pitched rumbling sound that is almost inaudible but sends vibrations through the earth.
Elephants will fill their trunk with up to about 5 quarts of water then empty it into their mouth to drink.
An elephant’s trunk also serves as a straw or a hose.
You can find some thing cool in my blog animal,coral

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