Friday, September 30, 2016

Fun dog facts for kids

Let's check out our wide range of dog facts with funny pictures with captions

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  1. A dog’s nose has about 4 times as many scent cells as a cat’s and 14 times more than a human’s. That’s why dogs are often used to track down illegal drugs and missing persons. They can sniff out their dinner from any room in the house!
  2. With patience and understanding you can teach any old dog new tricks, depending on what you are trying to teach, or un-teach the dog, which is usually more difficult. Dogs can learn at any age, and like humans, it’s just old habits that are hard to break!
  3. Dogs see in color, but not the same way that we do. Veterinary ophthalmologists have found that dogs are similar to people with red/green color blindness, meaning they can see bluish and greenish shades but not reddish ones. To a dog, a bright orange ball on a grassy lawn appears as a light greenish ball in greenish grass. Go fetch!
  4. According to a recent survey, the most popular name for a dog is Max. Other popular names include Molly, Sam, Zach, and Maggie.
  5. An estimated 1 million dogs in the United States have been named the primary beneficiary in their owner's will.
  6. Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not sweat by salivating. They sweat through the pads of their feet.
  7. Every known dog, except the chow, has a pink tongue - a chow's tongue is black.
  8. Dogs can alert their owners of an epileptic seizure up to an hour before it occurs.
  9. Walt Disney's family dog was named Lady. She was a poodle.
  10. The dog was one of the first animals domesticated by humans.
  11. The heaviest dog ever weighed 319 pounds.
  12. The oldest dog ever died at age 29.
If you are animal lover, why don't you have a look at factoflife to discover more facts as cat facts, vitamin c food facts, healthy drink facts

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